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Minggu, 29 Mei 2011

Couple T-shirt Design Competition :)

HELLO ~ ! :D
anyone miss me? *slap*
Today.. i just want to share something about a competition which my friends and i were join it :)
mmm... at first. Felicia a.k.a my friends ask me to join her to get the competition, and i said okay ^^

after that, we made a simple design. at first, we want to pick "Panda's couple" for our design.

mmm.. looking good. but, before we submit it, we try other object.

we choose "Turtle's couple".

why we always choose animal for our object? because.. the themes is GREEN -_-

it' so so sooooo hard for us. at first, we want draw "earth crying" but we think, other participants must be draw that . So, we pick animal for our models :D hahaha

after we fixed with our design *we choose turtle's couple* , we submitted it by email.

it's a loooong looong looong day *sigh*

and.. for a couple days after we submitted the design, we get a messages that we join the "25 FINALIST" and i felt like..WOW i can't believe it.

we're soooo happy ! totally happy :D hahaha

the 25 finalist must be join to create the design on the t-shirt at 30 April 2011 .

we only have one week for preparation. oh shit maaaaan.
we do it soooo fast for practice and we did it.

30 April 2011...

My hearts beat so fast when we did the design on the t-shirt. it's hard enough. Ugh.

it's hard. totally hard. when we look other finalist design, we tought that we can't win. too hard to be the winner.

other finalist design totally perfect . i'm happy when i saw their design. dunno why, but it's great . wkwkwk

and finally.. we're not the winner. i'm little bit sad actually. but what can i do?

although we're not the winner, but i'm happy for it ^^

we get a great experience with this competition. 

anyone want see our design?


this is the front design . cute, huh? :D

this is the back design . KEEP IT GREEN ! YEAH \(_ _)/

Okaaaaaay, that's all for today .

oh yeah , this is Felicia's Blog . please visit it ---->
pop blue pop :D
Hope you like this post :)

RCL pleaseeeeee ^^ thank you ~

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